Trusted by hundreds

Trusted by hundreds

Online Tutoring With
Guaranteed Progress

Online Tutoring With
Guaranteed Progress

Online Tutoring With
Guaranteed Progress

Online Tutoring With
Guaranteed Progress

With our Thrive System packages, we guarantee
at least 1 grade of progress or your money back!

With our Thrive System packages, we guarantee at least 1 grade of progress or your money back!

I passed!
Thanks, Mrs Scott.
Well done, Ben. Great work!
I passed!
Thanks, Mrs Scott.
Well done, Ben. Great work!
I passed!
Thanks, Mrs Scott.
Well done, Ben. Great work!
I passed!
Thanks, Mrs Scott.
Well done, Ben. Great work!
  • 1000+

    Students Educated

  • 100%

    A Levels Grades A* - C

  • 98%

    GCDE Grades 5 - 9

  • 110%

    Students Satisfaction


Students Educated


A Levels Grades A* - C


GCDE Grades 5 - 9


Students Satisfaction

Tutor Master is a online based Educational Services Provider.

We provide qualified and experienced teachers for private tutoring via online tutoring.

Tutor Master is proud to be featured & endorsed by The Good Schools Guide. Find out more here

Tutor Master is proud to be featured & endorsed by The Good Schools Guide.
Find out more here

Who Are We?

As experienced practitioners your child will receive the academic support to improve their grades, boost their confidence and inspire them for future success.

Your child will be a member of a network of professionals that will be able to offer their expertise and advice. As part of our Tutoring package our students will have access to the newest software on the market that uses cutting edge Ai technology to analyse gaps in knowledge, prescribe a home learning course which evolves as the student complete the course and feeds back to the Tutor as areas to focus on.

As part of our educational service, our student will have access to seasonal activity weeks and summer schools to help accelerate learning in a practical and fun way.

Our Mission

We aim to inspire all of our students to see the bigger picture and to learn how they can contribute to a changing world.

We want to create a generation of forward-thinking individuals that are able to problem solve and have a skill base that improve their chances of landing their dream job in a competitive market and future proofing their skills for a constantly evolving and dynamic world.

What Makes Us Different?

With technological advancements and a changing planet, we want our students to be the inventors innovators, Engineers, politicians, journalists that will solve issues such as world famine, climate change, habitat destruction, sustainability, plastic pollution and toxic food. We have embedded these principles into our company ethos and have made it a part of our company culture. Through education we can inspire a generation that can make positive changes for the future of our planet.

As teachers it is part of our responsibility to instil core values into our students and promote a growth mindset and it is through these values were your child will grow and develop their passions. students can take part in our extra-curricular activity sessions in the STEM subjects which make direct connections to the National Curriculum to make learning relevant and inspirational for all types of learners.

Tutor Master has provided Tutoring throughout our community of 25,000 businesses and residents. We always highly recommend Tutor Master as they have an outstanding reputation for engaging young people and getting results.

Tutor Master has provided Tutoring throughout our community of 25,000 businesses and residents. We always highly recommend Tutor Master as they have an outstanding reputation for engaging young people and getting results.

Tutor Master has provided Tutoring throughout our community of 25,000 businesses and residents. We always highly recommend Tutor Master as they have an outstanding reputation for engaging young people and getting results.

Tutor Master has provided Tutoring throughout our community of 25,000 businesses and residents. We always highly recommend Tutor Master as they have an outstanding reputation for engaging young people and getting results.

Emma Rigby (MBE) - Founder of “Love Your Doorstep community”

What People Are Saying

  • We used the services from Tutor Master to help with one- to- one tutoring for some of our vulnerable groups of children. They provided us with Tutors that were subject specialists, qualified teachers and had the charisma to engage our students. A fantastic experience.

    Mrs Samuel

    Headteacher at Sherwood Merton

  • Tutor Master are reliable and tenacious. They get to know their students, build relationships and leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of progress.

    Michael Pieri

    Assistant Headteacher at Enfield Grammar School

  • We have been using Tutor Master for 3 years and they have consistently provided outstanding teaching

    Mike Yerosimou

    Headteacher at Epping St Johns

  • Tutor Master have provided Tutoring throughout our community of 25,000 businesses and residents across Enfield and Barnet. We always highly recommend Tutor Master to all of our parents who enquire about tutoring as they have an outstanding reputation for engaging young people and getting results.

    Emma Rigby (MBE)

    Founder of “Love Your Doorstep community

  • I used Tutor Master to help me through my GCSEs. They were brilliant in English, Maths and Science. I achieved a grade 9 in these subjects and it’s all thanks to these guys. Thanks so much!



  • We used Tutor Master for our son who was disinterested in school and had some behavioural issues. He was paired with two fantastic online tutors in Maths and English, who worked with him to put him back on track and helped him see the bigger picture. He passed all of his subjects and got into to his first-choice college. Eternally grateful, thank you!



  • Our daughter was a school refuser and suffered with severe anxiety. We decided to opt with online tutoring as we felt face to face may be a bit intimidating for her. She is now in year 10 and is thriving. This experience has improved her resilience and self-confidence and we owe it all to the professionals at Tutor Master.

    Sarah Green


Packages & Fees

To provide flexibility for parents who prefer single lessons or want to purchase lessons in bulk, consider the following options

Enrollment Fee






Join now!

Join now!

Join now!

Join now!

Offer ends September 2025

Offer ends September 2025

10 Lessons


£90 per lesson

Must be used within 3 months

10 Lessons


£90 per lesson

Must be used within 3 months

10 Lessons


£90 per lesson

Must be used within 3 months

10 Lessons


£90 per lesson

Must be used within 3 months

25 Lessons


£85 per lesson

Must be used within 6 months

25 Lessons


£85 per lesson

Must be used within 6 months

25 Lessons


£85 per lesson

Must be used within 6 months

25 Lessons


£85 per lesson

Must be used within 6 months

50 Lessons


£80 per lesson

Must be used within 12 months

50 Lessons


£80 per lesson

Must be used within 12 months

50 Lessons


£80 per lesson

Must be used within 12 months

50 Lessons


£80 per lesson

Must be used within 12 months

Single Lessons



Ideal for parents seeking occasional support or a trial of the service.

Payment options

Full payment:

Pay the total cost upfront for the chosen package.

Monthly Installments:

For packages of 25 or more lessons, allow payments to be spread over 3-6 months.

Example: For the 50-Lesson Package (£4,000), parents could pay £667/month over 6 months.

The Thrive System

Starting from only

£670 pm

Support your child’s academic journey with our Premium One-to-One Online Tutoring Package, tailored for private school pupils in English, Maths, and Science. Designed to cater to EAL learners and those requiring SENCo support, this comprehensive programme provides a full year of personalised, expert-led tuition. Read more

Student Sign Up

How it Works

Step One

Step One



Contact us via the website, email, phone or WhatsApp to book a consultation with an education specialist.

Step Two

Step Two

Getting ready

Getting ready

Once you've had your consultation, you will need to provide us with documentation to help us support your child. Such as a school report, past exam papers and any special requirements.

Step Three

Step Three

Choosing a package

Choosing a package

Choose package and selected from one of our various payment methods. We offer a monthly payment option to make our service more affordable.

Step Four

Step Four

Start learning

Start learning

We will assign you a tutor who has the experience, qualifications, and the skills to support your child and will give written feedback after each lesson.

Through our educational network, we will provide educational support to every mainstream school in UK.

Through our educational network, we will provide educational support to every mainstream school in UK.

Tutor Sign Up

Are you a qualified tutor and wish to join us? Get in touch!

Are you a qualified tutor and wish to join us? Get in touch!

Tutor Sign Up

Are you a qualified tutor and wish to join us? Get in touch!

Tutor Sign Up

Are you a qualified tutor and wish to join us? Get in touch!

Ready to Get Started?

Book a call with us to find out how we can help to progress yours or your child's education.

Ready to Get Started?

Book a call with us to find out how we can help to progress yours or your child's education.

Ready to Get Started?

Book a call with us to find out how we can help to progress yours or your child's education.